Wednesday, October 24, 2012


When I arrived in the city, I was greeted by a short-ish man in what must have been a pinstripe suit, flanked by two scruffy looking gentlemen. I was greeted by the boss of the outpost that requested my aid.

This has never been a good sign, in my experience.

He also didn't say a word about the job at all on the ride to the outpost. He kept talking about stupid, mundane things like the weather, and the latest game of whatever sport is popular now, and a movie he and his cronies saw that week.

Again, this has never been followed by a good assignment.

And I was not at all disappointed when we pulled up to the building, walked inside, wound up in a small room with a map of Chicago with pins covering the entire damn thing, and he pulled out what might be the shittiest job I've ever been offered.

He wanted me to cull the Chicago Timberwolves.


I'm assuming the pins on his map were suspected locations of Timberwolf Dens, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he did not represent more than 30% of the Timberwolf activity on that map. He wants me to eliminate what is probably one of the biggest network of Archangel proxies in America off the face of Chicago.

I seriously had to sit there and explain to the idiot exactly how many ways that idea was horrible. First of all, you'd have to have an army to even think of doing something on this scale. Secondly, because we don't exactly have the means to pull together a sizable army to take over Chicago, we'd have to resort to taking out individuals or small groups, which are going to be replaced almost as quickly as we can off them. Thirdly, there is no scenario in which we can do this without alerting the media of half the civilized countries in the world, which is something we don't want.

Of course he didn't listen to a word I said.

So what I've done is I've elected to ignore him for as long as I can. I've got the Indiana jobs to run, and I can try reasoning with his superiors in the meantime. Perhaps they are sane and logical people.

So yeah, on the road again, traveling to some small town in Indiana. Whatever they've got, it certainly can't be worse than what Chicago wants me to do.

- Have a Nice Day


  1. Are there other servants in Chicago who could be tricked into thinking the puppies are making a power play? Killing two birds with one stone is always fun.

    1. Or spread internal strife. Convince a few higher ups in the local Timberwolves that their underlings are trying to take over. Bonus points if you can get some of their underlings to try to take over. There are ways to do this if you think tactically.

    2. That's actually a pretty nice idea, but it would take much too much time to work. This guy wants quick results, and sowing discord in the ranks is harder than most people think.

      And there's tons of groups in Chicago, but the Timberwolves are the only ones that can operate on "the surface," if you will. They are a gang, and in a place like Chicago they can recruit vast numbers easily without having to hide much. So in any direct confrontation, they would most certainly win, and indirect confrontation would take too long.

      - Have a Nice Day

  2. I find caring about the media coverage isn't important. The media always gets it wrong anyways.

    On the other hand though the last few times The media got involved in my activities it resulted in a world war that almost destroyed everything and set loose a long dormant fear so...

    Maybe my way isn't the best way to do things.

  3. I finally figured out who you are, you're FPS Russia aren't you? That's why "have a nice day" seems so familiar XD
